Thursday, December 10, 2009


I got my first rejection letter from a publisher yesterday. It is a rite of passage for every aspiring author :) In fact I got a text from my published writer friend to say congrats! Apparently it means I am now a real writer! lol.

As far as rejection letters go, this one's not too bad actually. The publisher said "Unfortunately with the publishing industry in it's current state, I felt your novel would not be commercial enough". I want to remain positive, so I will take that to mean the novel was not completely rubbish, and her rejection is simply down to economics and timing. I've heard of editors giving some really funny reasons for rejecting a novel to the tune of "Do yourself a favour and don't give up the day job"! So FG will pick herself up and carry on. As someone else said, it can only mean I'm one step closer to meeting the right publisher.

The fear of rejection was one of the things I was so worried about when I first decided to start writing, but I think I've had to see it as one of the things that come with the business side of writing, and not take it personally. Even the most successful authors who have won long lists of awards for their writing had to face rejection at some point. Determination and resilience is an essential strength to have in this game, and a thick skin is also very useful!

On to other news:

To say a big thank you to our readers and supporters, we are running a competition and giveaway for the next three weeks on our series blog! Check it out! This is the first one and entries will close on Monday the 14th. There will be two more competitions and prizes until Christmas, so make sure you click over to the blog now and enter. You could be a winner!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend ahead.



  1. well...let me be the first on blogville to say is wishing you an acceptance next time...cheers

  2. Yes,I hear that all the time as well and I believe so...
    Better luck next time!

  3. I love your positivity towards the rejection letter, it shows God has so much more in store for you. That was really well thought off, I know you got a lot to offer, better de come

    Off to check the giveaway out.

  4. Like the positivity... Guess its only one less potential publisher.. still lots of them!

  5. Babe things can only get better!!!

  6. I'm sure that someone will like your novel. Just keep writing and hang in there. You are on the right track. Happy writing. :)

  7. congrats too..,winners dont quit..
    and your acceptance is definetly closer...
    keep keepin on..

  8. This is your first? Then congrats, not for the rejection letter but the courage to send out your work. All the best girl and we'll soon be drinking champagne on a publisher accepting your novel. All the best.

    I have entered the contest oo, your giveaway is one I'm interested in.

  9. Was thinking as I was walking home today that things can only get better, ma worry laipe laijina that book will not only be a literary success it will be a COMMERCIAL success too!
    More grease to those elbows!

  10. awww...! your post doesnt give any room for a pity party! so i'll just go away! lol!
    Good girl! good mindset! Waiting for the acceptance letter and it'll come sooner than you expect! we dont want too many rejection letters before the YES letter comes our way! Congratulations in advance!

  11. Good luck with the next publisher! Keeo ur head ur attitude!

  12. errr Congrats??? You will make it babe!

  13. Not to worry joo, with that I am sure you'd even work harder and then publishers will start fighting themselves for your works...see....

  14. Attitude is everything and you got the right one, take every critique positively and you'll surely celebrate..

    remember wat they did to J.K. Rowlings and today? that's enuf reason to keep on keeping on.

  15. well done... keep on going. The real defeat is only when you give up. Keep on applying and going and blogging... God sure works in strange ways.. you might not even have to look for a publisher- it might come looking for you...

    Well done on completing the book. x

  16. Congratulations on your first rejection, and on finishing your book. I personally find you inspiring, and your reaction to the letter is a great illustration of why you're a good person to look up to.

    I can't wait to read the entry where you will be talking about your work being accepted for publishing! Exciting!!

  17. Well, you've made a big step in the righ direction. I am so proud of you and I wish you all the best. By this time next year, your testimony will be different.

  18. Staying positive is the way and I like that you're staying that way, I wish all the best. I'm late for the giveaway but I'll definitely be watching out for the others...thanks for stopping by my blog much earlier.

  19. someone told me today that the twilight lady was rejected 8 times! and look at her now, everyone is gaga over those sparkly vamps

  20. good to know u r taking this well...u r surely on ur way to meeting the very publisher 4 ur work...success is sure ur portion...merry xmas FG...

  21. Anonymous1:44 AM

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