Wednesday, February 28, 2007


If I knew what I know now at 15, would I make different choices ?
If I could rewind and freeze time, would I stay in the past?
If I could rule the world for one week, what decisions would I make?
If I knew how many days I had to live on earth, how will I live them?
If I don't try to conform with the world around me, who would run out of excuses?
If I had a choice before birth, would I have chosen to be me?
If I had the vision of me in 20 years' time, what would I advise my 23 year old to do?
If I hold the key to happiness, would I share it with others?
If I never procrastinated or broke my promises, how much of a better person would I be?
If I never put in 100% effort, I would never know what I am capable of.
If I don't dream it, I would never achieve it.
If I can make a difference in the world around me, I should
If I have never truly grasped the meaning of love, I haven't lived
If I smiled at one stranger everyday, I would have even more friends.


  1. Nice post girl... this really hit home, maybe you should have called it reflections...

  2. P.S
    This statement just hit me... "If I had the vision of me in 20 years' time, what would I advise my 23 year old to do?"
    Do you have a three year old now???

  3. If I could go back in time, I would definitely make different decisions. I would definitely do a lot of things differently...but then I can't. All I can do is move forward and not make the same mistakes twice.

    Life is something else

  4. @Nyemoni: Thaks girl! Maybe I should have called it 'Reflections'. I don't have a 3-year old now. What I meant was "what would I do as a 23 year old if given the chance to see myself in 20 years time?"

    @Vera: That's it, we can only learn from the past and move forward.

  5. If I had a choice before birth, would I have chosen to be me?

    Thats the most intense question ever... especially in light of the fact that I've thought about it for 5 minutes... and looking back at my life.. babe I'm not sure it's the life I'd choose again...

    If I smiled at one stranger everyday, I would have even more friends.
    I smile
    Great writeup mami.. this really got me thinking!

  6. Excellent post...I wonder too about all these questions and i am not sure what the answerws will be...

  7. i like this.. nice post.. lol... NO IFS anymore girl.. ur life is amazing as it is..

  8. Have you seen the movie "Back to the future"? I could build you such a time machine so u can go back and forth in time and advise ur self on future and past events. hala me if u are interested.

  9. LondonBuki3:11 PM

    Ok, blogger has issues! I came here and expected to see my comment I left last week... or maybe I didn't?

    FG, I went to Acme, then Solid Rock after!!!!!!!

  10. lol.. Ok.. Londonbuki.... You went to Acme? lol.. from when I can remember I started off @ Ladipo Oluwole.. then Acme ..


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