Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back From My Break

*clears dust off blog*

Hi friends! It has been ages since I updated this blog. It almost feels strange to be writing here. In the past seven months or so, all of my thoughts have been gathering in my head, but I didn't have the time or energy to blog, so I just usually jotted down the important stuff that I really didn't want to forget. I remember a time (long ago) when I could update my blogs almost every day with any random thought that pops into my head.

Many, many thanks to you all for your kind wishes, thoughts and prayers towards me and my family. I really appreciate them and I pray that God will bless you in return. I am thankful for this new phase in my life. It's an odd feeling; knowing that I'm still me, but also knowing that my life has changed irreversibly. Having little FG around means so many different things on so many levels. Well, one of them is that I'm her first role model, so I have to behave myself! lol. I'm also thinking that this is where I need God more than ever before. I now pray that God, if I ever fail in anything in life, please let me not fail at being a parent.

So I'm slowly getting back to my (somewhat) normal routine (working round the little babe) and I'mgetting back to my work. I've started writing in little bursts again. I'm also devouring books like crazy, they're helping me to get my creative juices flowing. Previously, I thought my creativity had dried up cos my brain had switched completely into mummy mode. It felt good to take a break for a while, but it also feels great to be back, doing what I love.

I want to issue an apology to the fans and readers of our series In My Dreams It Was Simpler for the abrupt way we ended the public posts on the blog. Rest assured that I haven't forgotten my promise to keep you up to date with what happens next. So I've decided to continue working on Lola and Wole's story and have it as a separate book. I'll keep you guys posted with my progress on it. If you were not following the series before now, this is the time to catch up with the story because the conclusion is going to be hot!

So here's my quick update for now people, I hope to be back soon!

Stay blessed and favoured,


  1. Welcome back and congrats on ur little FG.

  2. Juggling little ones is a full time job and an art form... So clearly the break was deserved.. Hopefully, we'll get to see snippets of the new book as you work on it...

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM


  4. Anonymous9:27 AM


  5. welcome back, how is the lil princess.please add *mother* to ur profile :)
    looking foward to read more on 'in my dreams it was simpler'

  6. That prayer you prayed (the one abt not failing as a parent) will be answered in Jesus' Name. In addition to that, you will also be a huge success as a writer as well. More grease to your elbow, FG. Oh, welcome back. :)

  7. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Congratulations....just found out u had a baby.... God bless..welcome back...

  8. madam FG, we thought you were back?? come and update o

    Anyhoo you've been tagged on my blog. Pls check it out. x.

  9. Welcome back and nice to meet you. thanks for commenting on my blog...


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